Hello! This is your Gravis Ultra Sound talking. My speach may not be perfect, but it is at least understandable. I have some built-in intelligence, for example: This is a statement. This is a question? This is an exclamation! I know these numbers are a date: 12/28/77 I can say large numbers properly as: 1234567. Not as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Some sick minded people made me read a whole string of swear words... which actually gets alot of laughs! Ha Ha Ha Ho Hee Hee. I can also make some nifty phone calls if you like. Example: Hello, this is South Saylem High, your son or daughter was absent from school today! I'm sure you can come up with some good uses for me. Have fun! If you have any questions, contact Deliverance @ The Matrix BBS 503-581-5533 Featuring the Zoom 24kay modem ...